Deurell Labs

Passionate Creators of Apps and Games! 🚀

Privacy Policy

Hey there! Welcome to Deurell Labs, where we create awesome apps and games! Your privacy is essential to us, so we want to be upfront about how we handle information.

Information Collection

We want you to know that we do not collect any user information, personal or otherwise. Our apps don't ask for access to your sensitive data, and we don't use any sneaky tracking technologies.

External Links

Sometimes, our website and apps may have links to other cool websites. But remember, once you leave our turf, we can't guarantee the privacy of info you share on those sites. Check out their privacy policies to be sure.

Contact Us

Got any privacy questions or concerns? Feel free to reach out to us at We're all ears!

Enjoy our apps and games, and know that we've got your back when it comes to privacy.


Mikael Deurell